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Lost Senior ID: Can I Still Get Discounts in Philippines?

Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by Jake

We love our seniors, and one way to make their lives easier is to give them discounts on some of the basic necessities. But what if I lost my senior citizen ID? Let’s take a look at how you can get discounts without your identification card.

Can I Still Get Discounts?

I forgot to bring my senior ID, can I still get discounts? Absolutely! As long as you can present other IDs that include your birth date or age, you can present this to the merchant and still get the same benefits.

According to a Philstar report, the Expanded Senior Citizens Act or RA 9994 provides that other IDs beating the age of the individual can be accepted as a valid senior document to avail benefits.

What if the Merchant Refused to Give Discounts?

Stay calm, be diplomatic and remind them that the law provides this benefit to all seniors. If they insist on a senior ID, then it is time to file a complaint. You may file a complaint from the respective city where the establishment is located.

Although you can use other IDs to avail discounts, we still recommend that you reprocess a new ID in case you lost your previous one. This will be more convenient for you especially since there are some establishments that are too picky on recognizing IDs.

Where to Get Senior Citizen ID

Each city hall or municipal hall in the country has a dedicated OSCA (office for senior citizen affairs) that processes the ID of a qualified senior. However, we cannot avoid losing or misplacing our IDs and it does happen especially to those with memory deficiency.

For the meantime, your other IDs will do. Enjoy your benefits!

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